Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

manually stimulating/vibrating pacer to increase heart rate during exercise

i've found that by taping a vibrator to my chest close to the accelerometer location of my pacer (Medtronic Advisa - A2DR01) i can increase my heart rate during exercises that don't create enough physical movement to be detected by my device's accelerometer.

The vibrator is small - bullet type that is remote controlled - i think by bluetooth. 

So, this solves a big problem for me when engaging in vigorous exercise, like bicycling, or elliptical machine when I...


Fit bit

Anyone hear know if know if a fit bit will interfere with a pacemaker.

Looked at Medtronic and Fit Bit web sites and could not come up with answer.





Playing Pool

Hello all! I am 36 years old and I just got my PM on Dec. 2nd, 2016. I have done pretty well, recovering and thought I'd go out last night. My question is, I played a few games of pool (billiards). While it didn't occur to me at the time, I got to thinking....I was holding the pool cue in my left hand and leaning down to line up the shot. Essentially, that's like raising my arm above my head multiple times, right? I have now freaked myself out and I can't sleep. How will...


Upper body toning

Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing fine...

I am 17 years old and used to do lots of weight lifting and ball sports before I had my pacemaker implanted just over a month ago. During the recovery phase I have been getting out of shape and I am looking to tone my body.

I have read among the forum here that as long as the pacemaker is not very near to the clavicle it should be fine to work on the chest and shoulders. How near would that be? According to my sense of touch, mine is roughl...


Will I have to Quit Jiu Jitsu

Hey Everyone

Im 33 and have been doing Jiu Jitsu since I turned 21. plus i played 2 years of Rugby and played every sport under the sun growing up. 

I was diagnosed with a 3rd Degree Heart Block and BradyCardia and have had to have a Dual Chamber Pacemaker planted [Dec 2016]. 

I'm really worried that I'll have to give up my jiu jitsu.

Is there even the sligtest chance that I could continue training. If the device is moved around an inch up or down due...



I have been reading with interest the answers to shoe933's question regarding cycling.  I also have a Medtronic MRI compatible pacemaker that was implanted in July 2015.  Since then, whenever I ride on our friend's speedboat, on an airplane, in a car on gravel or rough roads or if I'm around loud music with heavy drum beats, my heart rate increases greatly to 140-180 bpm, sometimes higher.  I have said for almost a y...



I  just got my pacemaker two months ago. before that I was going to the gym and I was doing Boot Camp/CrossFit. 

does anyone exercise/Boot Camp or CrossFit is it safe to lift heavy weights with the pacemaker 


Heart rate

Just wondering if anyone can give me some insight here. I've had my pacemaker since March 2016. My insurance company offers a discount if you are able to pass a fitness test each year. I have always passed until this year. The activity that I failed was the cardio test. It is a 3 minute step test, when finished your heart rate needs to be 120 or lower. Mine was 125. Can I lower my own heart rate with a pacemaker? 


Cycling with an ICD

I have had some short episodes of non sustained vt. My ICD hasn't to date hasn't fired!  I'm not on any medication. 

I swim quite a bit. I want to get back into road cycling, anyone else a keen cyclist with an ICD? Much of the advice is about general cycling not road biking. 

Thoughts and experiences anyone? Thank you 


Protein powder?

Hey guys!

Would really appreciate some advice on this. I am hoping to do some weight training after my recuperating period. Do you guys think that I, a 17 year old, can take protein powder? And are there any side effects?



Left arm gets huge when lifting weights

Okay so ever since they put my ICD in whenever I lift weights my left shoulder and arm blow up and fill with blood. Literally 75% bigger than my right arm. I have been lifting for 14 years and I would say I am no novice. 245 lbs with 15% body fat. My buddy can see the difference from across the gym. Anybody experience this before?


Icd Placement for golf swing

Im 58 year old avide rt handed golfer @ 10 hdc . My ICD is scheduled to be inserted in three weeks. Im realy worried about discomfort when swinging if the icd placement isnt addressed. Anyone have any suggestions?



I received my pacemaker April 13 2016. I was stopped from running in December 2015 and did not resume until june 2016. I loss all fitness and was very discouraged wnen i could not run to my pre-pacemaker days. If you are a runner new to the pacemaker life I have good news for you. Please be patient and fitness will come back. My long run is 8 miles going to nine this weekend and my every other day run is 6 miles. In a recent Veterans Day 5k I was the age group winner 65-69. i hope this encour...


Rate Response

I`ve had my CRTD 3 years and like a lot of us had many problems and adjustments and things are now not too bad , very active and still riding motorbikes.

Just a question for those that know. I`m told I`m 100% pacemaker dependent and understand how the RR works but what changes my heart rate that  I feel when say I`m scared, anxious or dare I say look at  pretty lady!

Thanks mg




Pacemaker and Settings


I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this.  I have been running for 30 years now and 58 years old.  I did alot of marathons and Ultras in the past, although I dont enter races at all anymore.  I had my first Pacemaker implanted in 2009 and now on my second one.  Both are St. Jude's.  With the first St. Jude's Pacamaker, the adjustments made to the slope (Rate Response) were adequate and kept my heart rate up to around 120 Bpm.  ...


This is me at the wrong settings

Reading these posts gives me (some) hope.  Several of you describe my feelings well.  I am an (old-69) marathoner who cannot run more than a few miles now, since implantation of a single lead St. Jude PM for SSS. I  start off fine, but pretty quickly cannot go on.  It's as though I have a leash or someone hands me 100 lbs. to carry.  My electro physiologist doesn't care....I'm alive, and not passing out anymore so what am I complaining about, accordin...


weights and rugby

im a 21 year old male that has been having passing out episodes over the past 2 years. i had a Loop recorder implanted and that showed that i flat lined for around 10 seconds in my last passing out episode. My heart for some strange reason kick started its self again. The hospital dont know what is wrong with me but have stated that the main nerve from my brain to heart isnt working correctly and that is what is causing me to pass out.

I have now been fitted with a pacemaker and it has...


Almost scary how much difference settings can make...where can I learn more?

So my pacemaker was inserted at the end of June for several episodes of syncope with no warning.  I had been having a lot of performance issues the past few years as well that may or may not be related but I suspect my rate is not matching the activity level appropriately.  Long story short I have felt awful post-implant when trying to do any jogging and honestly sometimes getting up off the floor led to weird sensations, trying to walk hills, etc.  Unfortunately my doctor left...




I was fitted with a dual lead Biotronik pacemaker in January 2016 for total heart block. The scar has finally healed so I decided it was safe to go in the pool. I went to an aquafit class which is basically aerobics in the water. The instructor said I should check with a physician as it could damage the pacemaker. Has anyone else had this issue?

Thanks for your feedback.


Chest pains and nausea after exercise???

I'm 17 years old and I've just done some very intense exercise, usually I'm fine but I've got chest pains, I'm shaking and I feel extremely nervous, my doctor is 5 hours away and I have no idea what's going on, can anyone help me?


You know you're wired when...

You have a little piece of high-tech in your chest.

Member Quotes

I'm 44, active and have had my device for two years. I love it as I can run again and enjoy working out without feeling like I'm an old man.