Hello. I just joined the group. Would like to share stories with anyone here that is interested. Hopefully someone will be. :0)




by Nancylyn1991 - 2013-03-22 09:03:59

That is what we are here for to listen and help when we can!


by Hope - 2013-03-22 10:03:18

Hi! Nicole, You will find members very helpful and supportive here. I am on my second ICD. I am glad you have joined us, and if I can ever be of help, please let me know. Hopeful Heart

Learning process

by Nicole33 - 2013-03-22 11:03:20

I would love to read and learn of anyone's experiences. Knowledge is powerful but knowing that you aren't the only one that has gone through situations like yours is absolutely amazing and power to your soul. That is what I am seeking here. I am not really sure how all this works but I assume that we just tell each other how things are.

Always intersted

by jeanlancour - 2013-03-22 11:03:27

easiest way to learn to listen and share. I have a lot to learn. Jean

Quick response

by Nicole33 - 2013-03-22 11:03:56

Hello. Thank you for the kind welcome. I, too, am on my 2nd ICD as of March 11th. This Monday it will be two weeks. My old ICD was in my chest for 8 years so I assumed that the replacement surgery would be a breeze. I mean after all I have had a metal box for that long...all they are doing is taking the old one out and putting the new one in. No big deal, right? Wrong. I have had to get used to this box all over again! Was it the same for you? I had to have mine replaced before the battery was low because my lead broke. I suffer from post traumatic stress disorder and that definitely did not help! Thank goodness I go to see my psychologist Monday!

second ICD

by Hope - 2013-03-23 01:03:40

Nicole, I am sorry you are finding it difficult with you second device. I have found my second one more comfortable and easier to adjust to because I have learned from the experience of the first one, and learned my device is not a sentence but a back up for living. You have mentioned other serious stress that makes it more difficult for you. You are young, a great asset. You are still you. Please do not let others define who you are now. Set goals. pace yourself and LIVE! I wish you happiness. Hopeful eart

ICD second PM

by Jmiller - 2013-04-20 10:04:10

I just recently had my PM (3 years old) replaced for a ICD in February (all old leads replaced). First I found I didn't remember how much it hurt the first few days, but that gets better quick. The biggest adjustment is the the size of the ICD. Since it feels like I now have an iPod mini in my chest, I wish I could use it to store my music. Seriously I find I have more trouble adjusting to the thought of whats is to come in the future than the ICD. I want answers and I haven't gotten them yet.

Good luck and definitely reach out to people on this site for help.


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It's much better to live with a pacemaker than to risk your life without one.