Shock or not?

This afternoon I leaned over to pick something up off of the floor and had a pain go right through my chest? I sat back down involuntarily and just sat there for a few seconds until it went away. I don't quite know what to expect from my crt-d. If it was a shock will it show up on my Merlin?


It's only been a month

by Theknotguy - 2015-12-12 04:12:16

It's only been a month for you. While you may think everything has returned to "normal" it probably hasn't. Per your previous posts you're older. Being older means it takes longer to heal.

Another thing is that even if the surface scar has healed, you still can pull the scar tissue underneath.

Around six weeks with my pacemaker I was tossing the ball for the dog. Threw it a little too hard, and had the "electric" shock go up and down my entire arm. Yep, pulled the scar tissue around the pacemaker. The area was sore for another four weeks. After that, I could toss the ball as hard as I wanted. No damage to the pacemaker or the leads. All because I stretched the scar tissue underneath the surface scar.

Sounds like you pulled some of the scar tissue. But...

Any time you have pain in the chest you should call your EP to check and make sure it isn't anything he/she wants to check out. Probably nothing but it doesn't hurt to check.

Hope everything else is going well for you.

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Your ICD has a better memory than you.

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