New hearing aids seem to interfere (signia pure primax 7px)

6 days ago I got my new hearing aids (Signia/Siemens Pure Primax 7px).  From the first hour I felt like something was wrong.  For some reason I think the radio signals interfere with my pacemaker.  I have a Medtronic RVDR01 pacemaker.  I feel like I did when I was asked to go through airport scanners in Indonesia.  I am told those things should not interfere, but guess what....  Anyone else have any hearing aid issues?



by Tracey_E - 2017-05-17 08:06:14

Ask for a pacer interrogation,or if you have a home monitor hit the button for a download then call them so they know to watch for it. If it is interfering, it will show up in the report. 

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Your anxiety is normal. It takes some of us a little time to adjust to the new friend. As much as they love you, family and friends without a device just cannot understand the adjustment we go through. That is why this site is so valuable.