Deep itch and pinching at site of ICD

It has been just over 4 months since my ICD was implanted. There was some discomfort after but now it seems to be getting worse. It doesn't wake me up in the night but when I wake up it does pinch and cause a deep itch. During the day It feels better if I walk around holding it in place and use ice. I have contacted the pacemaker clinic that provides my follow up and they tell me that unless it is hot to touch and/or swollen it is normal.  It isn't hot or swollen, just terribly uncomfortable.

So my questions are, does this sound normal? how long is this going to last? Is there something I can do to hurry the process along? I feel as if I wrapped my chest in a large tensor bandage it would help. Ideas anyone?


Thank you

by Bearclaw - 2017-08-30 14:54:28

Dear Robin1,

What great tips!  I had thought of an elastic bandage and I am going out to get one today.

How long did it take before it healed in place.  Is the deep itch normal? Sometimes it feels as if someone sewed a remote control or a cell phone onto my chest with yarn,

Any tips on the type of bandage, I will look for a wide one.

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The pacer systems are really very reliable. The main problem is the incompetent programming of them. If yours is working well for you, get on with life and enjoy it. You probably are more at risk of problems with a valve job than the pacer.