Seen Doctor today. Diagnosed me with PMT, with early beat. Pacemaker was implanted for sinus pause and now having constant tachycardia episodes. Pacing 67% top lead 8% bottom lead. Having nuclear stress test in a week and an echo for "interogation" per the doctor. Can anyone explain this better? Is this dangerous? I still geel awful having insane palpatations, something Im bot used to because Ive always a really low heart rate. Thanks. 45Y M. Diagnosed with sinus pause, bradycardia, arythmia before PM. Diangnosed with pacemaker mediated tachycardia (PMT) after implantation? 


Brain Nutrition

by michael_born - 2017-12-11 02:34:09

Harga Dan Manfaat Walatra Brain Nutrition
Produk herbal yang secara khusus diformulasikan untuk menutrisi menjaga dan mencegah berbagai keluhan yang menyerang kesehatan otak. Produk herbal ini diproduksi dari 100% bahan herbal berkhasiat tinggi seperti pegagan sehingga terjamin kualitas khasiatnya.

Nuclear Stress Test, Echocardiogram.

by Selwyn - 2017-12-11 09:10:51

If unable to have an exercise ECG, and sometimes a more accurate test, is a nuclear stress test. 

You are attached to an ECG chest leads machine. 

You receive a radioactive isotope as an injection. This takes some hours to leave the body. It is not dangerous as such. Isotopes are used all the time in nuclear medicine. I'm having a PET scan this week which uses a glucose/isotope.  Just need to keep away from pregnant ladies and children for a few hours because of residual radioactivity. 

You wait a bit and have a read out of the radioactivity under their scanner.( arms above head, lie still) 

You have another injection 

You wait a bit longer.

You have a read out of the radioactivity under their scanner after injecting a drug to speed up the heart. 

That's it. There is staff around to look after you. 

The scan shows the uptake of the radioactivity in the heart muscle before and after the heart beat is increased. If there is any lack of blood flow to the muscle, if shows in the colour pictures the scan produces. You have to lie still.

An ECHO cardiogram is an ultasound of the heart. The ultrasound is produced by a little hand held box that is run around your chest, with contact improved by application of gel.

You lie on your side for some of the test.  It produces a picture of echos from the heart to show structure and blood flow. You can get some accurate measurements of the heart structure. You can see the valves of the heart working, and the movement of the heart.

All painless. No injections needed.All harmless.


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My pacemaker has ultimately saved mine and my unborn child’s life for which I am thankful.