CRT-P lead adhesion

Hello all,
I've been on the pacemaker club forums for about 13 years and have always been comfortable with knowledge Vs pacer issues. However, I've only the two original leads from my 2001 pacer implanted which both have the routine "corkscrew" attachment into my heart. I recently had a St Judes CRT-P implanted and the new 3rd lead does not "corkscrew" into the heart like the others. It's just sitting in the vein as designed. My question is this: How long does it take for the vein wall to attach itself and adhere to the lead for stability? I only ask because I'm 2 months post op, my wound is healed and have no major symptoms...but the Golf Course is "CALLING" my name and I wanna swing away!!!! I've been on the SJM website, googled the topic and exhausted all info. I called SJM and they sent me some literature, but nothing answers my adhesion question. Any info anyone can provide here?


and I forgot to add...

by Steve2 - 2014-08-26 09:08:15

Ask your doctor...

from a newbee

by Steve2 - 2014-08-26 09:08:25

I am not a golfer, but can say I heard second hand that a patient with new PM was told he could resume golfing in 5 weeks.
I have a new 3 lead pacemaker and my EP said I have to wait 4 weeks b4 any streching movements above the shoulder or behind my back with the elbow of my left arm.

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