
I'm 62 years of age and have been a heart patient since 1984 when I had angioplasty surgery with no complications until now. I had an echo done which showed I need a defibrillator placement. I'm more scared now than I was way back then. What can I expect? The doctors said its a walk in the park, but i need advice.


Don't Worry

by dloseke - 2011-07-08 10:07:04

I am on my third pacemaker and second defibrilator. The operation is very easy. The recovery is short, just don't raise that left arm over shoulder high for a couple of weeks to be sure that you don't pull out any wires.
Just take it easy for a couple of weeks and you will not think about having it in your chest very much of the time.
Just be sure to check in and have it adjusted if ou don't feel right. Good luck. Don

I was scared also

by Jim From Pa - 2011-07-08 10:07:36

The procedure is pretty much as you say Dr stated, you will be sore a few days the site, and there may be some changes you will face in your life style, myself i was owner/operator long haul trucker, of course i lost my cdl to drive truck because of the device, other than that i pretty much do as i can and enjoy life, you be ok, take care..

Love mine

by noodles69us - 2011-07-09 01:07:03

I couldn't believe how much better I felt right after I had mine put in


by KarenHall - 2011-08-04 05:08:00

I had my ICD put in 2 weeks ago. The procedure was fairly easy - in fact I reckon having an angiogram was worse except you don't come away with a scar. I spent only one night in hospital and the worse thing was trying to sleep on my back that night when I'm a side-sleeper. Two weeks later, the site is a little tight but really not too bad. Having lost my sister to SCD at the age of 33, I know firsthand that the alternative is far worse so I feel lucky in many ways. All the best.

Feeling Better

by ansara - 2011-08-04 11:08:00

It has now been close to 4 weeks now since my surgery and its getting better everyday. I'm still a little tender and itchy, so I guess that's part of the healing process. I'm sure I will get use to having a small lump showing as well as the small scar but I know now that I'm truly blessed.

You know you're wired when...

Lifetime warranty no longer gives peace of mind.

Member Quotes

I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.