stinging feeling at the scar?

I had my dual pm implanted at the end of August 2014.. The incision seemed to heal o.k.. I went to the device clinic in October 2014 and the pm was working fine. My question is why I feel a kind of irritation and stinging at the site sometimes. Sometimes there is quite a sharp little bump that can be seen at the top of the pm. Other times there is no bump and I hardly notice the pm. Would the device clinic people advise on this, or would they refer me to the Doctor who did the surgery?
Thank you for your comments.



by MelodyMarch - 2015-01-26 09:01:26

I am a year+ out now from my surgery, and my incision still smarts occasionally, though mine usually manifests as an itch. Skin can take up to a year to heal, especially nerves. My scar if I do too much violin playing can also get irritated.

As for the sharp bump, it does take time for the pocket to settle. There are days I notice my pm more and it feels like I am carrying a hockey puck on my chest but other days, nothing. In fact being a more than a year out the hockey puck days are less.

Your pm people might be able to advise, but generally unless it is eroding the skin, they leave well enough alone. The feelings will go away the further out from surgery.

Does it feel like...

by Grateful Heart - 2015-01-26 10:01:04

Ant bites? That's what mine felt like. Most likely the nerves knitting back together. It was very sharp and they hurt but I didn't have a bump from it.

The device people may or may not be aware of it. I never mentioned it to them. It took about 6 months for it to subside.

Grateful Heart

Stinging sensation

by ddunn01 - 2015-01-27 04:01:23

I had my pm replaced 5 days ago. Last night, I had several bouts of a stinging feeling in it. I assumed it might be healing. I hope it goes away.


by at120uk - 2015-01-28 07:01:05

I`m on my 3rd PM... The latest one was put in 5 years ago, and my scar is numb and sometimes itches like hell.
The other 2 PM`s had a bigger lump at the implant site, but this one is flatter.

Stinging and soreness

by Nana Barb - 2021-02-17 16:35:55

I had my pacemaker implanted three months ago but I still have soreness and stinging about 80% of the time. I spoke with my doctor several times he did not seem to be concerned and said to give it more time. Is this normal?

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So, my advice is to go about your daily routine and forget that you have a pacemaker implanted in your body.