Fast Heart Rate

I am 100% pacemaker dependent because of A/V node ablation. I am set at 70 bpm. It can go up into the 80's just walking from one room to the other and I get winded with very little exercise. Is this normal or am I being paced too fast? I would appreciate any answers. Thanks.


Fast HR

by donr - 2014-12-19 08:12:26

Narda: I'll only offer an explanation for one part of your question.

I have a PM & I'm set at 75 BPM as a lower rate. I am taking a Cardiac Rehab session at our local hosp & part of it requires that you take your pulse before & after each session on an exercise machine. Here's what i have noticed - my lowest rate recorded by the Pulse Oxymeter stuck on my finger to do the recording is typically 78-83 BPM. I can get it to drop to about 76 if I really concentrate on doing NOTHING. But - as soon as I move, the rate goes up to the typical 83. The only time I've seen my HR at the lower limit for any appreciable time is lying on a hosp bed, absolutely still following a procedure of some sort. i suspect that you, just like me, has to be practically comatose to hold the HR at the lower rate.

I would suggest that you are seeing normal HR reaction to physical movement like walking from room to room.

You did not state whether or not your Rate Response Function was turned on (RR). Perhaps it is not functioning correctly - or not turned on. If you have a functioning AS Node, you should not need the RR turned on, but the rest of your question, regarding SOB indicates perhaps that's where the problem lies.

How do you test for HR? Finger on wrist? Pulse-Oxymeter? That would be useful info to go furtherw/ an answer.



by Grateful Heart - 2014-12-19 09:12:47

If you walk across the room, your HR would naturally go up...PM or not. Your HR has to adjust to the level of activity, it's just that now with a PM, we notice it.

My resting rate is 70 and if I walk across a parking lot and my rate goes to 120 very easily.

We are all different and 60 bpm did not feel comfortable to me so my EP set it for 70 bpm. It may be different for you.

If you are getting winded, your PM may need other adjustments....which is typical, especially after a few months time. Let your EP know and he can make an adjustment to make you feel better.

Grateful Heart

Fast Heart Rate

by Narda - 2014-12-20 05:12:41

Thanks for the replies. They were very helpful. I did call my PM nurse yesterday, and she told me to come right in. My previous setting was 60 bpm, so she returned it back to that, and yes I do have RR. I do feel much better at these old settings. She said some patients do much better with the lower settings than others, and I am apparently one of them. Happy Holidays to all! Narda

Kinda Strange

by donr - 2014-12-21 01:12:38


If your SA Node works, it will follow your body's need for a faster HR under exercise load. Therefore, if your HR goes up into the 80's when you get up & walk across the room, it will go there no matter where your base rate is set - 60 or 70. The base rate is just a floor for the PM to use as the lowest allowable HR.

When you went to the PM Nurse, did they adjust the RR function?


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