PM/TVOR Interaction

Does anyone have any information about adverse interactions between a pacemaker and a TVOR - (i.e. aortic valve in a stent). I am asking because of a continuing problem with pounding heart beats and shortness of breath.


TAVI and pacemaker

by golden_snitch - 2015-04-18 03:04:39


Why did you get the pacemaker?

I have heard that aortic valve replacements sometimes damage the AV-node, because the valve is so close to the node, so that patients need to be paced in the ventricles afterwards. So, all I could imagine is that you probably are now pacing or are pacing more in the ventricles than you did before. If you are not used to it, that could explain some palpitations. Most people don't feel a difference, but some do. I can always tell when I'm not paced in the atria, but only in the ventricles; normal for me is 94% atria, 100% ventricles.

If I were you and the TAVI procedure was performed just recently, I'd get this checked out, especially the shortness of breath. Better safe than sorry.

Best wishes!

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Good luck with your surgery. It will improve life amazingly.