Arrhythmia problems

Happy New Year Everyone!
Just a note I have had my pacer implant for almost 25 years. I have had heart "troubles" as well especially with arrhythmia. I go to the Dr regularly( VA Hospital) I believe I get good care but my heart still gives me fits!! I take metropolol 3x a day. Last night was a terrible night for me. I thought I was going to die!! I am looking help!! Not to be so "dramatic" I just found you guys so any advice will helpful




talk to your dr

by Tracey_E - 2016-01-01 02:01:57

When you feel that bad, go to the ER to make sure it's nothing more serious. What kind of arrhythmia? Some respond to meds better than others. If metoprolol isn't working, maybe they can let you try something else. If meds don't work, sometimes ablation will help.

Consultation with Doctor

by Theknotguy - 2016-01-01 03:01:20

Arrhythmia and afib are tricky. Trying to figure out what you are supposed to do under the circumstances is hard. So what are your options?

First thing I'd do is have a heart-to-heart with your cardiologist/EP. What is it you really have? Arrhythmia, afib, what? What are suggested treatment in each case.

Second thing I'd do is to contact your health insurance. Most of them in the US have a nurses hotline which is free. Explain your problem and see what they suggest.

I was going into the hospital because of afib. Finally my cardiologist gave me a set of parameters to follow regarding my afib. I know what meds to take, when to take, and when to punch the button and go to the ER.

Had a bad session of afib with RVR. Same situation, had a discussion with the EP, know what meds to take, when to take, and when to punch the button and go to the ER.

I'm not a medical person but it sounds like you had an afib session with RVR. Just a wild guess on my part. Afib with RVR can make you want to die. So having a set of procedures to follow can really help.

In your bio it shows you are just about the time or past time to get your second PM. You indicate you have a Medtronic. Does yours have APP? Whether it does or doesn't, it's another question to ask your EP.

When your heart acts up, quite often you're just going along for the ride. It's very scary and you feel helpless. Just changing that scenario a little where you have some control over what is happening can be a great help both mentally and physically.

I hope you're able to get some answers soon.

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