Clinic Monitoring
- by Eddy
- 2021-02-25 00:35:31
- General Posting
What does a clinic actually look at during remote monitoring?
Clinic Monitoring
by Eddy - 2021-02-27 13:56:48
Thank you very much for your response. I am new to this group, so did not know how to retrieve your initial answer.
Navigation assistance
by Gemita - 2021-02-27 16:45:59
Eddy, if you scroll down page 1 of all our posts, and press page 2, then scroll down to your previous message which is just over half way down page 2, you will see my earlier message in answer to your previous, similar question about monitoring. If there is anything you don't understand, just post a response to this message. You will soon find your way around.
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Did you check your previous post Eddy on the same subject ?
by Gemita - 2021-02-25 03:29:55
Eddy, I don't wish to repeat myself since I believe I may already have partly answered this question under your previous post. However I will recap on a few of my previous points.
Remote monitoring allows our clinic to look for:
. Any worrying events ie a fast or dangerous arrhythmia like Ventricular Tachycardia (VT).
. To assess how well our medication is working to treat our heart condition. For example if we are being monitored for VT or another arrhythmia like Atrial Fibrillation (AF) they will use our frequent downloads to check how well our medication is working to control these arrhythmias. If episodes are still frequently occurring, they may need to take further immediate action (increase or change treatment), but daily monitoring may be essential initially
. monitoring may also detect a health condition (from the downloaded ECGs which may show early changes). You might be experiencing intermittent breathlessness, dizziness, fainting episodes, angina, electrolyte disturbances, hypothermia, infection and so on which might point to another health condition and this could be picked up promptly on the ECG (electrocardiogram) downloads, initiating early action from your doctors. More importantly and urgently coronary heart disease (blockages), valve problems, cardiomyopathy and other serious heart problems could be detected through monitoring and early action taken to try to prevent worsening symptoms or risk of leading to a heart attack.
. on a more basic level, monitoring will give your clinic essential data about battery and lead status, whether your settings are perhaps working well for you. However if settings are not thought to be correct you would be asked to attend clinic for adjustments, since this could not be done remotely.
Does that help to answer your question? The answer of course will always depend on your condition - the reason for your pacemaker. Monitoring will be set up to address your personal needs and be tailored to address any symptoms you may be getting. Your settings will be unique for you and your pacemaker technician will set up in the programming what he wants answered from your downloaded reports. In my case my monitoring is to see how well my medication and pacing is able to help with my arrhythmias and to identify quickly any serious changes in my condition requiring additional treatment.