Heart Rate Variabilaty HRV and PM location
- by judojav
- 2022-01-18 17:45:00
- General Posting
Post surgery 12/27 with PM insertion my HRV has declined dramatically to low double digits to 21. Is that typical? I believe the iwatch the latest version I have is fairly accurate, it helped save my life. The JH doctors didn't think it was kbown for being inacccurate. Has your's declined and is that typical if you didn't track it before? The remotes are on back order, do they record this?
I would like to move the location just below the collarbone to subpectoral. Who has done this? The studies are very positive on the subpec placement. A close friend of mine his placed initially subpectoral because he requested it based on feedback from his grandmother 35 years ago. Today he is an avid Crossfitter, weightlifting etc. . Thank you.
hrv and iwatch
by judojav - 2022-01-19 03:32:53
My HRV before averaged 48, since the pm on 12/27 the ave is 17.
The iwatch has the O2, EKG, BPM, HRV. Two daysbefore the emergency room I started receiving warnings that my BPM was falling under 40 for 10 min at a time, my rest rate ave was high 40s to low 50s. After the thirdtime in two days I called teledoc and discussed it with a CF workout friend. Both said it was significant. Telefoc said go to the emergency room which I did. The docs at John Hopkins were very interested in the bradycardia pickup the watch detected.
The HRV was not the issue pre PM but I watch it closely especially after the sleep app has monitored my sleep.
Wouldn't surprise me if PM interfered with HRV
by OscarAli - 2022-01-31 00:46:20
Apple watch measures HR and HRV based on an optical sensor measuring the blood pulsating in your wrist. The pulse is driven by the ventrical queezing and if you've got a PM deciding when the ventricals beat it woudn't surpirse me that your HRV numbers are off.
Unless this is you, then someone else notices it also. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253534021
One thing I've noticed in this forum is very few people describe why they have a pacemaker. There are lots of things that can go wrong and everyone is different so an explanation for what one person is experiencing might not apply to the next.
HRV doesn't work with a PM
by Boltman92124 - 2024-01-16 15:08:32
Think about it! Your device manages your heartrate! Your readings are the device, not your fitness. Mine was around 10-12 as well when I got my first Fitbit. It does go up into the 40's now though. I doubt this is any kind of reliable data.
You know you're wired when...
Your license plate reads Pacer4Life.
Member Quotes
I am no expert, but I believe that without the defibrillator that I have, I would be dead.
HRV on Apple Watch
by MinimeJer05 - 2022-01-18 21:57:11
Hello and welcome to the club,
I can't comment on all of your questions, but I can shed a little light on the Apple Watch and its HRV tracking. Or at least, in my opinion.
For me, it differs drastically with repetitive exercise. I got a little lazy this last summer and the numbers reflected it (28-32). But same thing, before that lazy summer, I was really active and noticed better numbers (40-44).
Right now, my numbers are low as I've been fairly inactive after my PM implant because of some vision and motion issues. I think it's been around 25-32 on any given week. I've just now started the elliptical again and hope to see it move upwards soon.
What are your numbers before and after the PM? And what do you mean by saying that they saved your life? Was your HRV numbers really bad or did the Watch detect other abnormal things with your heart?
take care