PM Manuals online
- by maestro
- 2008-03-01 05:03:48
- General Posting
Manuals for Medtronic devices are actually posted online.
If you want the actual manuals, call customer support and ask them to guide you through the website to access this information.
For me, it was a life-saver because I discovered my surgeons did not understand the devices bioelectronic parameters and one of them installed totally inappropriate and dangerous settings.
medtronic link
by bljulianosu - 2008-03-02 12:03:41
Try this:
If that doesn't work, do a search for "" and it should come up.
by ElectricFrank - 2008-03-02 12:03:59
I found them online right after getting the pacer 3 years ago. I'm glad you discovered the manual and the pacer settings. I had the same experience. The surgeons/cardiologists generally don't understand the pacemaker from a programming standpoint. While mine was being programmed by the Medtronics rep, he ethically couldn't recommend settings or contradict the cardiologist. However, I could and did. After using my own ECG to monitor the pacer and then reading the manual I came to the next checkup with my list of changes. The cardiologist was very upset to put it mildly, but I got my wishes. Since then he stays out of the room during checkups and lets the rep and I make the decisions.
Doctors aren't perfect
by ElectricFrank - 2008-03-04 01:03:49
Wash your mouth out with soap for saying that. How could you (:
Seriously, the manual is where I learned about rate response and determined there wa no reason for me to have it on.
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You need to be re-booted each morning.
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Just because you have a device doesn't mean you are damaged goods and can't do anything worthwhile and have to lie down and die. In fact, you're better and stronger. You're bionic!
Medtronic Manuals
by bljulianosu - 2008-03-02 01:03:38
For anyone who needs it, the link to Medtronic manual website is:
I definitely agree that most general cardiologists are not going to be up to speed on all of the device parameters, but can you really blame them with all of the new technology?
Hopefully, you have an EP specialist that is, if not get one.
It is good to know that I am not the only one who researched their device and went so far as to obtain the manual. You owe it to yourself to become educated, otherwise you are just another helpless soul lost in the health care system.
The medtronic reps are worth their weight in gold. Find a good one, get their business card and don't lose it!
Remember one last thing, DOCTORS ARE NOT PERFECT. Once you realize this and begin to question them, there may be some hard feelings but it is your health we're dealing with and it is worth it to be a pain and ask plenty of questions.