Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports


Hi, I'm new to the pacemaker life and love to run, bike and swim. I have started running on the treadmil and that feels great. Does anyone run, bike and swim out there in the pacemaker world that would like to share their story with me. This site is great for me because I can see that life does not stop because you have a pacemaker. Thanks everyone.



I have not had my pacemaker put in yet. I hope that it is ok that i joined but i wanted to ask some people who have been through this some questions.
Does anyone else do any type of boxing? I go to a boxing bootcamp and my concern is that i may not be able to do this after i have my pm. My doctor says that i should be able to resume my regular excercise but i didn't tell him i belong to a boxing club. I am not a boxer but we train like the boxers do. So it is a lot of push ups. planks, moun...


sport bicicletta

buon giorno. potro' ritornare in bicicletta ,dopo 5 sttimane dell'impianto del mio pm?? un buon 2013 Valerio.



Hi i was wondering if you guys thought it would be ok for me to do press up and pushups or any excersises similar to those? Its been probably just over a month and a half since i got my icd. Im a 15 y/o girl and icd has been implanted quite deep so healing was abit longer but dont feel pain anymore if any of that helps. Thanks (:


Would pacing improve my athletic capabilities?

I'm a 16 year old male with congenital complete heart block. The docs have always been impressed with my athletic capabilities on the bike etc. but they told me or they at least implied a while ago that'd I'd eventually fall behind in sports is this true? I have always been an active kid I run xc in the fall and winter track in the winter. I can run a sub 18 5k and can get my heart rate up at the max to 155 or so (which I'm told is good) so I'm wondering if I get paced would I become a...


Getting closer; but still not perfect!

In a previous post I mentioned that my upper rate was lifted to 175, and then recently to 200 by the DR.. Oddly enough I am still dropping to 70 / 80 as soon as my heart rate monitor gets to 150-160 - I am not getting anywhere near 200..(don't want to...)

At the 150 rate I am feeling great! It is the level where I am not out of breath, but feel like I am exercising - then bang! Hitting the wall... but, not as bad as before. Now, I can jog through it if I choose to as it is not nearly...


weight lifting

Many of us are concerned about the impact of weight lifting after a installation of a pacemaker.

My pacemaker was 'installed' in Oct. 2012 to treat 'vaso vagal syncope'. I was concerned about whether i could resume my normal weight training.

Basically, i have no restrictions except wieght-bearing exercises requiring extending my arms over my head, such as over-the-head shoulder presses, lat pull-downs,pull-ups, etc.

My advice is to consult with your EP physician...


Can I go bungee-jumping?

Hi everyone.
I'm 19. I've had a pacemaker since I was 16.
My question is pretty simple; can I go bungee-jumping?


Help with cardiac rehabilitation ...

I need a home cardiac rehabilitation program

need it steps and simple

and it will be so helpful by photos


Upper Rate chaged again...

Went to the pacer clinic today and my EP authorized my rate to be upped to 200... yeah!

A few other timing changes were made that I don't understand... my AV node is trying to take over while exercising causing the PM to think I am in some strange rhythm and putting me in 2:1 block. He had the nurse do some timing changes to see if that fixes it...

I will post back with the results!


Polar watch

is there is any problem between polar watch and Pacemaker?


Running Long Distances

I had my pacemaker implanted three weeks ago and started running 5 miles a day yesterday. I am interested in those who run and/or do prolonged cardio exercise and the effect on your pacemaker. I have bradycardia, atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation and PAC (premature arterial complex) but am otherwise "healthy" - lol! I am also wondering if anyone is lifting weights - I am afraid to start up again and wonder if I ever should do so. Another thing - those of you who have bradycardia and got a pace...


Strength training

I see lots of posts on running/cardio training but what about weight lifting? PM went in 5/2012, revision 7/2012. I weight train but the next day, I have a lot of discomfort starting with getting out of bed in the area above pm. Dr says no weights, can destroy the leads. Just because he's not lifting doesn't mean I can't. Is there anyone else out there experienced in this area?



i did a 5 mile race on dec 1 i finished last in my age group but i felt good running. next year i will able train more. hope everyone has merry christmas.



Okay i need to start rebuilding muscle mass. im 4 weeks out and need to get healthy. my arms are batwings. my legs ugh. trying to get lean with pacermaker. been doing cardio only treadmill. dtr said whenever im scared to lift with arms.


Stupid Golf Trick, esp. with an ICD

I was waiting to hit my second shot on a par 4 the other day and I was twirling the pitching wedge in my hand when suddenly it slipped a bit and the club head came crashing down right on my ICD with a bit of a clang. I stood frozen in my spot waiting for something to happen but nothing, thankfully, happened. My playing partner asked me what was wrong and after I told him he asked me why did I do that and I had no answer for him. I'd like to say that my game improved after that but after a few ho...


Flex Pro Belt

I was wondering if the Flex Pro belt is dangerous for me. It is the belt that helps you tone and tighten your love handles ( lol..yes I have those) I would like to get rid of them..the easy way of course.. but not at the expense of my health. I have tried to find out some info on this and the only thing I found was that it would interfere with would be installation of the pacemaker.. Any ideas?



So I looked on the threads and didn't see answers. I've logged in as a member. Where are the comments to threads?
I'm 56 and have a RHR of 40 with a class 3 AV heart block and recently was diagnosed with atrial flutter, and the possible need for a pacemaker. I can do a 5K and am training for a grand canyon backpacking trip, and my pulse gets up to 170 or higer during runs. But the flutter makes sense since about 2 years ago my ability to tolerate exercise drastically dropped, and I p...


1st Run

I took my pacemaker on its 1st run today at 11 days post-op. Four miles at a slow pace. It feels good to be running again! I will keep the distances short and the intensity low for a few more weeks.


So, I am getting back into jogging..

as I told you previously. Between some Sciatica issues that I have had and the recent AV block.. it has been a year since I have been able to jog... Now that I have been implanted... I am back in business! But, I am basically starting over from scratch which I am finding out the hard way lately... I have never realized how hard jogging is as I have done it for years!

Anyway, if anyone needs a little help, there is a cool little "app" for the Iphone (and maybe others) called 0 to 5K th...


You know you're wired when...

You can feel your fingers and toes again.

Member Quotes

I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.