Most Recent Messages in Complications

After pacemaker problem

I had my PM on the 22nd and when I first came round as they put me out completely I have terrible nerve pain, that has finally stopped now , 

Some three weeks later I got up one morning after laying on my left side for the first time when something went crunch, off to the hospital as I was told to do for an x ray, it was then noticed that my PM and turned unpside down although the surgeon thinks the reason I had been in so much pain for 3 weeks was because my shoulder was dislocate...



Thursday, I had my 20 month old Pacemaker replaced with CRT-P.  I am coming up on 48 hours with new Pacemaker and so far not enjoying it.  My resting heart rate has been in high 90’s with going up to 120 with a slow walk.  My PVC’s are just about constant.  I do not know if this is just my heart adjusting, are the settings all wrong or should I go to Emergency.  Any of you smart people out there have some experience with this?



CRT-P CRT-D Reaction Time

Had a CRT-P installed for cardiomyopathy on 3/1/19 of this year. EP thinks it was due to RV pacing from my dual chamber pacemaker causing dyssyncrony between RV and LV. I have a very wide QRS > 150 ms and a native LBBB.  Recent echocardiogram 5.5 months post install doesn't show any improvment; even a slight drop in EF from 39 to 36%. I also can tell I've picked up a little water weight. I've heard of late responders to this therapy (> 1 year) but also know most see pos...


Palpitations/dizziness/blacking out

I found this site last October 2018 after getting an emergency PM for sick sinus syndrome bradycardia, but this is the first time I’ve posted. I’m so frustrated and worried because I’m having severe palpitations that feel like my heart is literally moving sideways. This is followed by dizziness, near fainting, choking feeling, and/or pins and needles. Sometimes it happens over and over for hours. My greatest fear is that I may black out while driving. I h...


Complex Regional Pain Syndrome post-pacemaker insertion

April 25 I had my aortic valve replaced (2nd time, first time was 2004). Because of my age, I was advised not to have TAVR, as the replacement valve would not be a good candidate for replacement in another 12 to 15 years. I therefore underwent the whole sternum-cracking surgery.  Six days later, I had to have a pacemaker inserted due to heart block caused by the surgery.  I have been suffering with intense sensations of stinging, biting, burning across my chest from armpit to armpit...


Ice hockey

I am getting a pacemaker in a few weeks.  I would really like to continue to play ice hockey.  This low level men’s league.   No checking but there is still contact

Needing a pacemaker was not expected as I was fine until last fall.  I am 57 and am used to being active.   Anyone else have any issues or concerns will playing?



Is An odd Hiccup a problem

Im a 56 yr old male I had a PM inserted 7 days ago. i get an odd hiccup every now and then. its just one hiccup, mayby 3 to 4 times a day. Is this something to be concerned about? 


pacemaker denpendy

after going to dive clince,she said I am depentin on the pacemaker and it needs to be changed ,,,,,,,,what does that mean?


10 to the hour

I had a PM fitted at the end of May for bradycardia and sinus pause. Since the PM has been fiited I have experienced my heart beating hard at ten to the hour a few hours during the day. It always happens at the same time and it feels as though my heart it beating very strong out of my chest (not any faster just stronger) and sometimes it feels like it misses a beat and makes me cough. It settles down after a few minutes and I have even asked my husband to feel my chest when it's...


Still sore after 18 months

Hi Im a newbie from England. I had a st Jude fitted 18 months ago,  I suffer from fibromyalgia and although I told the surgeon that, he still insisted I didn’t need a general anaesthetic so it was done by local anaesthetic and I felt some of the surgery,  The pacer and area around it is still sore after 18 months, and I don’t think they pushed it in far enough as the surgeon realised I was in pain during the procedure, but on repeated appoin...



If a pacemaker with intermittent faults - eg intermittent spurious pulses, mark space ratio variation, amplitude variation etc and / or intermittent lead problems - is it possible that this could  trigger atrial fibrillation and other heart beat irregularities.


Pacemaker side affects

I need the wealth of all this pacer experience. I have had a pacemaker/ICD for about 18 months. I’ve never felt whole with it, but I kept a good attitude and resumed my life. 

That is until last Monday. I recorded multiple VTs that almost caused me to faint. Ac

companying this is a tiredness, weakness, and shortness of breath I had not experienced before. I  checked into the ER where they conducted tests and released me with a clean cardiac bill of h...



Just had my 3rd pacemaker put in on 7/17/19. All has been going well. The last two days, left arm, shoulder aching. Some nausea, and lightheaded. Pain in chest 3 times during night that woke me up. Anyone else experience this??


Shooting pain

Posted this in coping but think it probably belongs here instead. I'll try and delete in other section.

Hoping someone someone can shed some light on what I might be experiencing. Looked around but haven't seen a similar issue.

Background: 45 year old male, consider my self quite healthy and very physically active. I got my pacemaker implanted on july 16. It went really smoothly with absolutely no pain around the incision or the left shoulder area.


dislodged atrial lead

I had CRT D device procedure on 1 July 2019 for LBBB and heart failure following viral myocarditis couple of years ago.

i had my first follow up appointment today and i was informed the atrial lead ia dislodged and migrated to the Rt ventricle. The device was switched off and a provisional date of 7th August was booked for lead replacment.

i am really worried and need to know what the outcome could be. 


Rate response

At my 6 week check my PM was lowered to 70bpm, and also my rate response, after I demonstrated that touching my toes 5 times resulted in a very fast pulse.   Now, for other reasons my base rate has been raised back up to 80 for the time being, and I am having this very fast pulse when I do hardly anything.  Does the rate response have to be tweaked every time the base rate is changed?  



Had pacemaker installation last Wednesday.  Before this I was experiencing fitigue.  Since installation I continue with fitigue, with a heart rate range of 60 to 133.   Is this normal?  Heart rate stays in the 60 range and suddenly it goes up to  130.  



Thoracic outlet syndrome

Has anyone experienced "thoracic outlet syndrome" as a result of or possible pressure from their pacemaker or ICD?
I am now experiencing this and the pain mimics a heart attack or severe angina.
Pain in the armpit, d9own left arm, across the chest and back of the throat.


I was rushed to the hospital twice in extreme pain only to discover that the pain was not cardiac related.


Electric Shocks

For about 7 months I suffered from, critical elecrtric shocks in my heart at night.  They came in a series.  I learnt later that the trigger for this was rolling on my side when I slept. I ended up building a box to sleep in to keep me lying on my back only.

Felt like the shocks brought me to feel like death was imminent. The shocks were like constant electric thrusting into my heart and lasted for an average of about 5 seconds  then a break until the next one.


Pm leads

I am 1 month post pm surgery and yesterday I went to a physical therapist and tried to pop my upper I had to do a bit of twisting and I’m pretty sure my leads are in between my device and my collarbone and it is uncomfortable to say the least. I did have some pain but has anyone else had something like this??


You know you're wired when...

You always run anti-virus software.

Member Quotes

I'm a runner, mountain climber, kayaker, snow skier, bicycler and scuba diver. The only activity among those that I'm not yet cleared to do is scuba diving, and when I am cleared, I'll be limited to diving to 50 feet.